M2P 2023

A Digital Twin for Traffic Monitoring in Collaboration with Autovie Venete S.p.A.

  • Briani, Maya (IAC-CNR)
  • Cristiani, Emiliano (IAC-CNR)
  • Onofri, Elia (Roma Tre University)

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The collaboration between IAC-CNR and Autovie Venete S.p.A. started in 2017 to develop a real-time simulation system providing a forecast of traffic trends and the impact of interventions along the highway network managed by the company, specifically the A4 Italian highway Trieste–Venice and its branches. A digital twin has been created to represent the road network, distinguishing two-and three-lane portions of the road and construction sites. The system is continuously fed with real flow and speed data from fixed sensors placed throughout the Autovie Venete monitored network. At the heart of the digital system are algorithms based on macroscopic and multiscale traffic models for simulating and forecasting traffic on the road network, distinguishing between light and heavy vehicles. The continuous analysis of the database in use at the company, which receives real-time and historicised data from the fixed sensors, made it possible to enrich the system with functions based on a machine learning approach, such as the prediction of queue formation at sensors and/or points of particular interest and the prediction of incoming traffic flows at the edges of the motorway network under the company's jurisdiction. The system is in continuous development, and already represents a monitoring and forecasting tool, useful for decision support in both emergency management (e.g. traffic jams, accidents) and activity planning (e.g. construction sites).