M2P 2023

Ice Sheet Modelling - Improving Efficiency of High Accuracy Models

  • Ahlkrona, Josefin (Stockholm Universitiy)
  • Löfgren, André (Stockholm Universitiy)
  • Helanow, Christian (Stockholm University)
  • Zwinger, Thomas (CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.)

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Better computer models of ice sheets in contact with the warming ocean are needed in order to reduce the uncertainty in estimates of future sea level rise. We focus on finite element modelling of ice and its interaction with the adjacent ocean, using mathematical models of high accuracy. Such accurate models are needed to describe the feedbacks between ice the warming ocean, but are too expensive to use for large-scale simulations of Greenland and Antarctica over the relevant time spans of hundreds to thousands of years. This talk gives an overview of our work on improving the efficiency of models. We present work on stable time stepping of the moving ice/atmosphere interface, coupling with the ocean, and preconditioning of the arising (non)-linear systems. We use FEniCS and Elmer/Ice.