IS32a - Advances and computational challenges in the integration of Additive Manufacturing and Topology Optimization
Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Simona Perotto (MOX, Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano)
Chaired by:
Dr. Federico Ferrari (Technical University of Denmark , Denmark)
Dr. Federico Ferrari (Technical University of Denmark , Denmark)
Scheduled presentations:
Density derivatives for overhang constraints in multiresolution topology optimization
F. Mezzadri* -
Optimizing and generating multiscale lattice structures through evolutionary, machine learning methods and variational auto encoders
F. Dos Reis*, N. Karathanasopoulos -
Level set-based topology optimization of structures enhanced by anisotropic graded meshes
D. Cortellessa, N. Ferro, S. Micheletti*, S. Perotto