IS11c - Advanced computational mechanics in real-world applications
Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Michele Girfoglio (SISSA, Trieste)
Chaired by:
Dr. Michele Girfoglio (SISSA, Trieste , Italy)
Dr. Michele Girfoglio (SISSA, Trieste , Italy)
Scheduled presentations:
Advanced computational design of complex nanostructured photonic devices using high order discontinuous Galerkin methods and statistical learning global optimization
M. Elsawy, A. Gobé, S. Lanteri*, G. Leroy, C. Scheid -
A Reduced Order Approach for Artificial Neural Networks applied to Object Recognition
L. Meneghetti*, N. Demo, G. Rozza -
Adaptive mesh refinement in cgDG for scattering problems
H. Navarro-García*, P. Díez, J. Navarro-Jiménez, A. Huerta, J. Ródenas, E. Nadal