IS01b - Innovative modeling and computational approaches for living systems and precision medicine
Corresponding Organizer: Mr. Paolo Zunino (MOX, Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano)
Chaired by:
Ms. Manuela Teresa Raimondi ( , Italy)
Ms. Manuela Teresa Raimondi ( , Italy)
Scheduled presentations:
Personalized Noninvasive Cardiovascular Monitoring via Ballistocardiography, Physiology-Based Modeling and Evolutionary Algorithm
M. Zaid*, N. Marazzi, L. Sala, S. Ahmad, L. Despins, M. Popescu, M. Skubic, J. Keller, G. Guidoboni -
Cell-based Modelling and Simulation of Electrical and Chemical Interplay in Excitable Tissue
A. Ellingsrud*, M. Kuchta, R. Masri, G. Halnes, G. Einevoll, M. Rognes -
Multiscale and mixed-dimensional modeling of vascular tissues
C. Belponer*, A. Caiazzo, L. Heltai, D. Peterseim -
Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis for Non-invasive Model-based Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio Prediction
C. Dalmaso*, F. Fossan, A. Bråten, L. Müller -
Effect of microvascular network morphology on tissue oxygenation and radiotherapy outcome: a computational analysis
L. Possenti*, P. Vitullo, A. Cicchetti, T. Rancati, P. Zunino -
A Multi-physics Reduced Order Model for the Vascular Microenvironment
P. Vitullo, A. Colombo, N. Franco, A. Manzoni, P. Zunino*