IS06b - Fast scientific computing and numerical simulation for industry
Corresponding Organizer: Mr. Nicola Demo (SISSA mathLab, Fast Computing Srl)
Chaired by:
Mr. Nicola Demo (SISSA mathLab, Fast Computing Srl , Italy)
Mr. Nicola Demo (SISSA mathLab, Fast Computing Srl , Italy)
Scheduled presentations:
Real Time Reduced Order Modelling in Computational Mechanics: State of the Art and Challenges
G. Rozza* -
Extreme mesh deformation (X-MESH): A new paradigm to follow physical interfaces, application to the Stefan phase-change model
N. Moes*, J. Remacle, J. Lambrechts, B. Le, N. Chevaugeon -
Projection-based Reduced Order Modeling in Non-Linear Statics: Results from the Implementation in Abaqus
O. Bettinotti*, V. Oancea, R. Taylor -
Exascale multiphysics simulator platform for CO2 sequestration and monitoring: A successful collaboration between Industry and academic research
H. Calandra* -
DT4DRYER: A tool to optimize the drying process
L. Royo-Pascual*, E. Gimeno, A. González-Cencerrado, C. Montañés, A. Gómez, P. Talasila, P. Larsen -
Modeling of the Selective Laser Melting Process with the Use of the Lattice Boltzmann Method
D. Svyetlichnyy*